October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month! Each year, YWCA Utah hosts a walk to honor domestic violence survivors and we’re thrilled to invite you to join us on Saturday, October 5th, at 10:00 AM. 

Your participation means the world to us and the survivors we are fighting for. Your presence and support are vital as we come together to raise awareness and make a difference.

We will have the opportunity to decorate posters, experience our DVAM installation, and hear stories of survivors. We will plan to start the walk promptly at 10:30 AM and end with a flag planting.

Families welcome!

Why It Matters

In the United States, more than 10 million people are affected by domestic violence each year. 

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been physically abused by an intimate partner. 

Survivors of domestic violence have nearly double the risk for developing depressive symptoms and three times the risk for developing a major depressive disorder.

1 in 15 children is exposed to domestic violence and intimate partner violence each year. An overwhelming majority of them witness these abuses firsthand.